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Āyurveda, the sister science of yoga, was systematized over 5000 years ago in India. It is the science of life that looks at the health and well-being of an individual and the whole person. The premise of Āyurveda is that each of us are born with a unique constitution and that nature (diet, exercise, lifestyle, environment and thoughts) directly influence us and lead us to state of balance or imbalance.
What is an Āyurveda Health Consultation?
1. An Āyurveda Health Counselor will consult with you to determine your constitution known as Prakṛti and assess your current state of balance or imbalance (Vikṛti). This includes assessing the state of the physical body and the mind.
2. A daily diet and activities intake will help assess if you are living in balance with nature.
3. The counselor will review any symptoms you are experiencing, observe your skin, tongue, assess your pulse and other tools to determine the state of your agni (digestive fire) and whether or not you have any ama (toxins in the body).
4. The counselor will then work with you to determine what, if any, changes to diet, yoga practice, lifestyle and herbs can be used to bring you
back to a state of balance.
Melissa McKim, Certified Āyurvedic Health Counselor is currently preparing for her NAMA boards and continuing her education as an Āyurvedic Practioner with the NAMA approved Radiant Living School of Āyurveda.
To to learn more about this life changing science, please contact Melissa directly at or 339-526-9234.
Disclaimer: Āyurveda is an alternative health system. It does not treat or diagnose disease. Any recommendations provided are holistic in nature and should be reviewed and approved by your primary care doctor.
Discounted Intern Rate; $250 Intake, Report of Findings and 3 Follow Up Appointments
Follow up appointments and Seasonal Adjustments/Reassessments $75/each.
C.S. Sū. 1/41 Vol. I p. 25
हिताहितं सुखं दुःखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम्|
मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेदः स उच्यते||४१||
hitāhitaṁ sukhaṁ duḥkhamāyustasya hitāhitam|
mānaṁ ca tacca yatrōktamāyurvēdaḥ sa ucyatē ||41||
That (science) is designated as Āyurveda where advantageous and disadvantageous as well as happy and unhappy (states of) life along with what is good and bad for life, its measurement and life itself are described.
Disclaimer: Āyurveda is a form of alternative/natural nutrition that has been available to all since the Vedic time period. It is holistic in nature. Please consult your western doctor or healthcare provider to determine if this treatment is right for you. Ayurveda does not diagnose or treat diseases.
Śirodhāra and Abhanga(pronounced Shiro-dara) 100 Minutes; $100
is an ancient Ayurvedic technique applying warmed oils in a stream over the third eye and into the hair.
This treatment begins with abhyanga (ayurvedic massage with an LMT) using client specific warmed oils.
The client then will experience this oiling of the head and a gentle head massage. The client will then steam to open the pores further penetrating the oils into the skin. Uptan will then be applied to the hair to remove some of the oils. The client can then rest with a cup of dosha appropriate tea and then shower.
This treatment is nourishing to the mental faculties and the sense organs; promoting tranquility of the mind. Ayurvedic clients with dryness, thinning and greying of the hair and no ama, may benefit from this therapy. Client specific oils will be given based on the clients current state. Clients will take home the remaining oils to use at home.
Śirodhāra only $75
Uro Basti: Spiritual Heart Treatment 60 Minutes $65
This is the placement over the heart center (anahata chakra) of medicated oils into a dough dam. Energy work is done while the rogi is resting.
$65 (60 minutes)
Kati Basti – Low Back Care
Like the Uro Basti, a dough dam is created over the lower spinal area and filled with warm oil. Kati Basti is used in Ayurveda to relieve muscle spasms and rigidity in the lower back and legs.
This adrenal treatment uses a dough dam to hold warm oil over the adrenal area, easing the demand on adrenal resources and inducing deep relaxation. The adrenal glands play a significant role in supporting our daily vitality. This treatment may reduce stress and anxiety generated in this area of the body. $65
This is a dough dam on the abdomen with herbal oils.
Abhyanga - Full-body Warm Oil Application
This means "loving hands" and is the systematic and traditional application of herbal oils specifically catered to your constitution.
Abhyanga is administered by an LMT.
Assessments can be done in person or virtually!
1948 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts 02050, United States
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