Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes healing and is used for stress reduction and relaxation. This form of healing is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. The partitioner administers the treatments by laying the hands. If one is frequently sick or under a lot of stress, the chances are one's life force energy is low. Now if the life force is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
What does a Reiki Treatment Feel Like?
A reiki treatment gives you sense of warm energy surrounding your body as well as flowing through you. When undergoing treatment, you are treated as a whole - meaning your mind, body, and spirit. A sense of wellbeing and peace may be felt. Some people experience immediate release of pain or improvement in physical symptoms, while others feel a release of tension, repressed emotions and feelings. After a session you feel at peace.
Is this Religious?
No, even though it is spiritual in nature it honors all organized religions. The word spirit means to breathe – the whole spirit – the “holy spirit”. So, in a sense it facilitates the movement of breath by inducing a relaxed energized state and may make some feel “spiritual” and more connected to their faith. Reiki has no structured faith base or dogma to follow – it works on the highest vibration of unconditional love to help us heal and return to a state of wholeness and wellness. It works not matter what faith you have as its natural healing uses universal spiritual laws to promote wellness and peace. However, this can enhance your own faith and religion.
Who can train to give Reiki?
Anyone can learn and be attuned to channel Reiki energy. The attunement process clears your chakras allowing you to be an open channel for this light energy. All that is required is your willingness and choice to be an energy worker.